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Toddler Fest 2024!

Toddler Fest 2024!
On Sunday 15th September we were delighted to be at The Big Sheep's Toddler Fest 2024!

This was our second time at the annual event and it certainly was bigger and better than ever! With over 1100 tickets sold, the site was buzzing with lots of babies, toddlers and families all exploring the different shows and attractions on offer. Thankfully, this year the weather was much improved, and we didn't have to seek refuge from thunderstorms like we did in 2023!

We were located in the top marquee, alongside a number of other local businesses aimed at toddlers and families, as well as local retailers. We had a spin-the-wheel competition, as well as some play activities: a digger and sand tray, autumnal loose parts, collaging and a crunchy cereal dinosaur tuff-tray! We had a stream of visitors throughout the day, and it was great to chat to families about our wonderful setting and see the children all enjoying the play opportunities.

The day ended with a parade and a foam party, which was a lot of fun, and resulted in some very wet and soggy (but also very happy) children!

We're so excited to go again next year!

To see more photos from the day, visit our social media pages:

For more information about Toddler Fest, visit their website:

@BananaMoon - 6 months ago

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Get in touch today

We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, 3 Trafalgar Lawn
EX32 9BD

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