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Sensory Bottles

Sensory Bottles
Our wonderful team member, Lauren, who works in the Baby Moon and Teenie Moons rooms, has made some wonderful sensory bottles for the little ones to explore!

Sensory bottles are an amazing resource for little ones! They are completely mesmerising and they can help children with so many areas of learning. For example, moving and shaking the bottles can help with their physical development and motor skills, talking with the children about the sensory bottles also helps with their labelling, colour recognition and descriptive language. These are just to name a few!

The great thing about sensory bottles (as well as being fascinating and great for a child's learning and development) is that they're really easy to make at home - and the process of making them can also be really beneficial for older toddlers and pre-schoolers! All you need is a clean and empty plastic bottle and different items to put inside, such as: water, food colouring, dry pasta, beads, glitter, pom-poms.....the list is endless! Just ensure that the lid is tightly secured - taped or glued shut!

We'd love to see your creations - please post pictures onto our Facebook page!

@BananaMoon - 3 years ago

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Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, 3 Trafalgar Lawn
EX32 9BD

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